I am perhaps as proud of my setup as I am of my photos. The OTA is an original C8 from the 70s. It came with a fork mount that I found difficult to align every night, so about a year or so ago I sprung for the new HEQ5 and Sony A7 mirrorless camera. Aligning was still taking too much of my time, so I decided to go all out and build a shed with a pier. The pier has a concrete and threaded rod core, with brake rotor top and bottom plates. ( I should have made it taller, but c'est la vie. It is still quite stable on the extension and I plan to bolster it some to stabilize it even more. Though the pier is almost exactly the same as others I have seen, my roof is powered by my own design. I've seen a couple of similarly designed sheds with roofs that roll onto a gantry, but they were manually operated. Mine is powered by a repurposed cordless drill, a pulley, some cable and two wifi controlled switches that can be controlled by my cell phone or more importantly any astrophotography software that can run script on a laptop or PC ( I am using NINA). With this setup I can create sequences that will check the weather conditions, and if safe, open the roof, locate a star or stars, perform focus adjustments and mount alignments, locate a target and take multiple images at predetermined times and ISO settings. It can change targets and camera settings at any time, and also stop, park the scope, and close the roof if threatening weather approaches. Soon I will add a dedicated astrophotography camera and set of filters to my arsenal.