<![CDATA[Pragmatic Planet - Blog]]>Mon, 27 Jan 2025 04:56:03 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[New Hope]]>Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:27:06 GMThttp://pragmaticplanet.com/blog-935416/new-hopeNew Hope
Several years ago I became involved in a social media group dedicated to raising awareness of global warming. That's how it was referred to in the public media. The scientific community had already been using the term Climate Change for years, because warming alone did not cover all of the effects of the increasing greenhouse effect seen since the industrial revolution. When it became obvious that too many people seemed complacent or even happy with the idea of a planet that was a few degrees warmer, people in the know decided to go a step further and talk more about specific changes caused by global warming, such as drought, flooding, stronger storms, etc. As part of this group, I learned that there was a lot of misinformation and dis-information about Global Warming/Climate Change being promulgated by those profiting from the fossil fuel industry, whether it be shareholders, oil field workers, coal miners, and especially corporate executives who paid a group called  the Heartland Institute, who got their start with the tobacco industry, and fighting against regulating their industry.  The Heartland Institute doesn't do much for Phillp Morris any more, but are still very active in fighting climate change action on behalf of the fossil fuel industry. It was in face of this opposition from these climate change deniers that I created my web site, the Pragmatic Planet because I wanted a place to share links and info about climate change and those spreading misinformation. Nearly 20 years later, it seems that most of us are quite aware, and not falling for the misinformation, but there are still holdouts, those who are convinced that it's a hoax, or simply don't care enough about others, or the long term consequences that they themselves will experience due to inaction by individuals, corporations, and governments. I have decided take a new tack on my approach, and focus more on the positive stories, how we are working together as individuals and groups to reduce our carbon footprints, and save ourselves and those to follow from our impact on the planet. New Pragmatic Planet website, and new hope. Won't you join us?
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